A concentrated portfolio of deeply researched investments within the consumer sector.


GORA applies bottom-up, fundamental analysis to discover securities with variant future earnings to the market’s expectations.

We make long investments where our research finds earnings upside unknown to the market, in companies with strong long-term growth, valuation upside and with high competitive moats.

We make short investments where our research finds earnings downside unknown to the market, in companies with weak long-term growth, extended valuations and in industries being disrupted.

Among the strengths of our investment process are:



More than 100 proprietary financial models underlie every investment decision we make. For a company to be in our investable universe, we build a model.



Proprietary data signals GORA has discovered that are powerful at predicting inflection points in company fundamentals, which are underappreciated by the market.



Regular, reciprocated contact with the management teams of the companies we invest in and consumer industry leaders.



Stress test expect return on investments, requiring a 4:1 favorable skew of outcomes before executing. Greater skew drives large position sizes.


We share our research